3,5-Zoll-TN-LCD-Display mit 320RGB * 240-Auflösung MCU- und RGB-Schnittstelle SSD2119M IC 50 PIN | Sinocrystal
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3,5-Zoll-TN-LCD-Display mit 320RGB * 240-Auflösung MCU- und RGB-Schnittstelle SSD2119M IC 50 PIN

SCT035005-V01 ist ein 3,5-Zoll-TFT-LCD-Display mit einer Auflösung von 320 RGB * 240, das mit einem HX8238-D-IC ausgestattet ist und eine 24-Bit-RGB-Schnittstelle, 54 PIN und eine Blickrichtung von 12 Uhr unterstützt

SKU: SCT035005-V01
Type: TFT
Mode: TN
Product No.: SCT035005-V01
Size: 3.5''
Resolution: 320*240
Outline Dimension: 76.90*63.90*3.05
Active Area: 70.08*52.56
Interface: MCU & RGB
IC: SSD2119M
Brightness: 300cd/m2
Touch Screen: No
View Direction: 6 o'clock
Pin No.: 50
Shape: Rectangle







                        Generelle Spezifikation



Item Nominal Dimension Unit
Dot Matrix 320 x RGB x 240 Dots
Module Size ( W×H×T ) 76.90 x 63.90 x 3.05 mm.
Active Area ( W×H ) 70.08 x 52.56 mm.
Pixel arrangement RGB Stripe mm.
Dot Pitch ( W×H ) 0.219 x 0.219 mm.
Color depth 262K(MAX) colors
Interface MCU & RGB
Driving IC Package COG
Operating temperature -20 ~70 ºC
Storage temperature -30~80 ºC
LCD Type a-Si TFT
LCD Mode TN/Normal White
Backlight Type LED x 6 PCS






Pin No Pin Symbol Level Description
1 GND 0V Ground
2–3 NC No use
4–6 GND 0V Ground
7 RD H/L 6800-system: E(enable signal)
8080-system : RD (read strobe signal)
8 SDO H/L Data output pin in serial interface
9 RESET H/L Reset signal
10 CS H/L Chip Select
11 SCL H/L Serial clock input
12 SDA H/L Data input pin in serial interface
13 RS H/L selector of command or parameter
6800-system : RW (indicates read cycle when High, write cycle when Low)
14 WR H/L 8080-system : WR (write strobe signal)
15 PS3 H/L Detail see below picture
16 PS2 H/L
17 PS1 H/L
18 PS0 H/L Data bus , Fix to VSS level when not in use
19-36 DB17 – DB0 H/L When 16-bit be selected, D[17:10] and D[8:1] used
37 DEN H/L Display enable pin from controller.
38 VSYNC H/L Frame/Ram Write Synchronization input
39 HSYNC H/L Line Synchronization input
Dot-clock signal and oscillator source. A non-stop external
40 DCLK H/L clock must be provided to that pin even at front or black porch non-display period.
41 NC No use
42-43 GND 0V Ground
44-45 VDD 2.8-3.3V Power supply
46 NC No use
47 K2 LED light, cathode
48 A2 LED light, anode
49 A1 LED light, anode
50 K1 LED light, cathode

Zusätzliche Information


Product No.




outline dimension

Active Area



Touch Screen

View Direction

Pin No




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